JOBITT is a service for finding jobs and candidates in the IT industry
Here you have the possibility:
To create your own resume quickly, easily and free of charge
To use a convenient design, which allows you to show your skill level, background and other parameters accurately
To search for job anonymously. You just need to describe your skills and desired salary and then the employer will find you and offer you a job
Ukraine, Israel
Business size
Development time
3000 hours
Project team:
Backend Developer
Frontend Developer
Marketing team
technologies used



css, html, js

Convenient designer allows you to accurately show your skill level, background and other parameters.
A cool feature of the service is an anonymous job search on the JOBITT site. You describe only your skills and desired salary. And the employer will find you and offer you a job
In general, the work on this project can be divided into 2 tasks:
development of a platform for posting IT vacancies and resumes
Development of an administrative panel for site content management
What was implemented during the work:
User-friendly website design was created
A Telegram bot has been connected and integrated to receive push notifications about new vacancies
Multilingualism was integrated
Registration with selection of user type: a candidate/an employer;
"Candidates" page for employers with the ability to filter by the criteria of the required candidates and add them to the selected ones for further studying
Online resume builder
Chat for employers and candidates.
A personal account for employers has been developed with the following functionality:
The ability to create and import vacancies by adding CSV file or link

The creation of a subscription with the possibility to specify criteria and receive notifications regarding new vacancies or candidates based on these crireria

In "Feedbacks" block, there is an opportunity to view the list of candidates who have responded to the vacancy

The possibility of adding employees to the company profile for the purpose of posting vacancies and conducting correspondence

Service for finding jobs or candidates in the field of IT

service for finding jobs or candidates in the field of IT

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