Project Task/Challenge
The major task was to develop a website for minting NFT tokens linked to 3D images. We had to work out the site design, its business logic, and smart contract.
Our team has crafted the site’s design and built an adaptive front-end in accordance with the client's brief.
For security reasons, the development was divided into 2 subprojects: a site for marketing and a site for minting. The metamask wallet was integrated into the site for minting with the help of web3 technologies
To check the rules, we uploaded the users’ wallets in groups from the discord into the site database.
For the minting of all groups and the lottery, the start and end dates settings were made.
All data was uploaded to OpenSea.
The users receive all tokens anonymously. After the end of the mint, a disclosure mechanism (reveal) was developed. Instead of a placeholder image, in a matter of a minute, all users saw - a unique image of the heroes.
Different minting conditions were made for different types of users: OG users could mint 2x tokens at a special price; WL users could mint 1 token at a special price; free users could mint 1 token by paying only gas.
The users who failed to get in any of these categories could take part in the raffle lottery. 30% of the winners were randomly selected to make a mint of 1 token at a special price.
We deployed 2 servers with the ability to scale and load up to 100 thousand users at the same time.
For transparency in rules implementation, we created a detailed contract with all conditions described.
Our specialists developed a generator that collected 10 thousand unique images of the heroes with variable bodies/clothes/accessories.
Project Manager
Designer UX/UI
Front End developer
Back End developer
QA Engineer
Smart contract developer
Business size
Development time
300 hours

Challenge 2
The marketer of the project on the client’s side decided to change the project design. The new design concept was completely different from the original brief.
The changes proposed by the marketer were decided to make online. Since the client's side made up their mind to change the concept a few days before the start of the advertising campaign, we met the wants of our customer and helped him by taking on the project for the weekend. The client, in turn, paid the double rate for the time spent on the weekend.

Challenge 3
While we were making changes to the design, it turned out that the materials provided by the marketer were very heavy, thus the site load time increased significantly.
We optimized and compressed the images, which saved 35% of space and download time.
For images and videos static, a lazy load was configured, which made it possible not to load the content at once, but only when the user scrolled down to the content location.
A poster was made to appear before uploading the video, the users see it in the first second before the video uploads.
A 3D animation of the preloader was added so that the user can navigate the site while it’s loading.

Challenge 4
The client's team decided to change the terms of the project's smart contract.

OG users are now able to mint 4 tokens at a special price.
WL users are now able to mint 2 tokens at a special price.
Raffle lottery winners can also mint 2 tokens at a special price.

Challenge 5
The client compiled a list of OG, WL, and FREE wallets and gave it to us just 40 minutes before the start of the mint.

We added several more specialists to the team and uploaded all the lists to the database on time. The client, in his turn, paid for the hours of all specialists.

Challenge 6
During the mint, the price of gas rose extremely. Many times more than the cost of the token itself.
Our QA specialists found the bug in a matter of 20 minutes. It turned out to be a typo. The client mixed up the keys from the WL and OG lists in a hurry and entered them incorrectly into the smart contract. In appreciation of our effort, the client gave us several FREE tokens for the team.

Challenge 7
After the main mint wave, the client decided to change the conditions.
We had to remove the old smart contract and all the conditions and instead downloaded a contract with the possibility of a public mint. To all the users who had bought tokens using the old contract, we made free tokens in the new contract instead.
Used for backgrounds
Main colors
Brand colors
Text color
Color for text
Project URL
https://metarobotica.io/Full Stack Development
Web3.0 application
Redesign and optimisation
Smart contract development
Continuous integration
Metamask integration
OpenSea integration


Js( + node)
Html + CSS
Web Servers
Nginx + load balancer

Thank you for watching!